What Are The Causes Of Climate Change?

 Today we are living in 21st century. Everything is modernized. The World is changing very rapidly. Temperature of planet Earth is increasing day by day, which is very alarming. Increase of temperature of Earth day by day is called Global Warming or Climate change. Where technology give comfort to human being, same in case it is harming the world. Like vehicles which we use today are for our comfort is damaging the atmosphere very badly. When vehicles run on the road, they emit harmful gases into the atmosphere. After that, harmful gases react with natural gases and harm the atmosphere of  planet Earth. These harmful gases have acidity, so when they react with Oxygen and Nitrogen in the atmosphere, they pollute it. These harmful gases make the atmosphere acidic and when rain fall on Earth it makes the rain acidic. When acidic rain fall on Earth, it destroys the soil fertility. Vegetables and fruits require fertility of soil to grow, so when fertility affected then growing of plants also affected. 

Another cause of climate change is depletion of Ozone layer. Ozone is a layer in upper atmosphere which blocks the harmful radiations of Sun. Sun emits  ultraviolet radiation which are very harmful for atmosphere and human being. Ozone layer is depleting day by day because of fossil fuels burning. Industries and vehicles burn the fossils fuels and the gases which emit by burning of fossil fuels go upward in the atmosphere and deplete the Ozone layer. Scientist have said that if the Ozone layer is completely depleted, then it will be impossible to live on Earth. So in recent times different agreement have been signed to overcome the depletion of the Ozone layer. Montreal and  Kyoto Protocol have been signed recently to use the fossil fuels up to minimum quantity. People should use the public transport instead of having separate vehicle. 

As population of the World is increasing day by day, so need of human being also increasing. The need of wood for daily use is increasing day by day and as a result deforestation occurs. As we know that plants emit oxygen which is essential for human survival. Plants absorb carbon dioxide, which is harmful for human. So when deforestation occurs, the temperature of the Earth increases, because when plants are burnt they emit the carbon dioxide, which they absorb in the past. So when carbon dioxide reaches  the atmosphere, it pollutes the atmosphere and causes global warming.

 Release of gases and other chemicals is another cause of climate change. Harmful gases and chemicals release from industries and factories which affect the atmosphere. These gases react with oxygen and make the atmosphere acidic. Another cause is volcanism. When volcano erupt, a huge amount of lava come out of the rock which is very hot. This hot lava warms the atmosphere up to some extent. Plate tectonics is also a cause of climate change. When plate tectonics are disturbed, it changes the climate. Climate change is very dangerous for human population. International Institutes should take notice of it. We should use the fossil fuels up to minimum amount. We should use public transport more than using personal vehicle. I pray to God to make our mother planet Earth a safe place.


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